Team Capability
Maturity Model, Scorecard and Safety Capability

Never more than now does the people part of your balanced scorecard matter. NovumAVI's Team Capability Maturity Model (TCMM), incorporating our Team Capability Scorecard (TCapS) is a proven tool for assessing your people's capacity to perform.

And our Safety Capability Scorecard (safetyCapS) gives you advance warning of safety and quality problems.

What is different about NovumAVI's approach?


Our model is very simple: the things that happen to people in the workplace affect how they feel about being there and doing their job. And that in turn affects how well they do their job, and whether they want to stay.

Like a lot of things that seem simple, there is a very rigorous foundation for what we do. We stick to the basics and we do them very well - there's not a lot of fancy jargon or psycho-babble (though we can do that if you want us to). And we report the outcomes in a clear, easy to understand 'dashboard' format.

Oh, and we don't try to impress with fancy interlocking diagrams with lots of primary colours - for us understanding your team capability is science not art.


The other thing that is different is that we tailor our questionnaire to your workplace, which means that we use the terms that people understand in your organisation. We don't do 'one size fits all'.

Team Capability Maturity Model

The Team Capability Maturity Model combines the three 'people' aspects of the workplace: the individual, the team, and the culture/climate.

We use the Team Capability Scorecard to work out where your workplace and organisation is in terms of team capability maturity, and to highlight areas for improvement.

And for organisations concerned with safety, quality or reliability we use the Safety Capability Scorecard (safetyCapS). safetyCapS looks at processes, procedures and culture in high reliability organisations.

We also diagnose your culture. Do you have a performance and development culture? If yours is a high reliability or safety critical organisation do you have an appropriate safety culture?

Team Capability Scorecard

TCapS - our Team Capability Scorecard - is an organisational climate questionnaire that covers a wide range of facets of the workplace. The basic model is that workplace factors affect how we feel about being at work - morale - and that in turn affects how well we do our job.

Team capability is a critical element of a performing workplace, and it is a combination of the capabilities of the people in the team, and how the team works together.

Unlike some questionnaires, TCapS is designed for your workplace. This means that we word the questions so that they make sense to your people, and we report your scorecard in a dashboard format that makes sense to your executives.

Best of all, TCapS allows you to understand the foundations for your high performing teams, and diagnose the cause of problems with poorer performing teams. And it gives you advance warning of problems that may not yet have surfaced, through its unique structure of leading indicators.

Safety Capability Scorecard

Just as TCapS is our team capability scorecard, safetyCapS is our safety capability scorecard.

safetyCapS looks at processes, procedures and culture in high reliability organisations.

The model for safetyCapS is that workplace factors create the safety/quality culture in a workplace, and this culture causes or prevents safety/quality problems.

safetyCapS has both academic rigour and proven practical application.